User Language value ranges are defined for a series of index variable type elements and system function parameters. This section contains a complete survey over these definitions. In the description for the index variable types (see appendix B) and system functions (see appendix C) the herein defined value ranges are referenced by the corresponding designation of the value range. A.2.1 Standard Value Ranges (STD)The following codes are valid for all caller types. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special elements of index variable types and/or system function parameters in the
Schematic Editor, the
Layout Editor, the
Autorouter, the
CAM Processor and the
Chip Editor interpreter environments. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
STD1 - DDB Element Class:(-1) = Unknown/invalid DDB class 100 = Layout Plan 101 = Layout Part 102 = Layout Padstack 103 = Layout Pad 150 = Layout Paths 151 = Layout Editor Connectivity 160 = Layout DRC Parameters 200 = Physical Connection List 201 = Connection Assignments 202 = Backannotation Request 300 = Autorouter Data 301 = Autorouter Parameter 400 = BAE Character Font 401 = BAE Setup Data 402 = Parameter Setup Data 500 = Gerber Table 501 = Layout Color Table 502 = SCM Color Table 510 = IC Color Table 511 = GDS Structure 700 = BAE Messages 800 = SCM Sheet 801 = SCM Symbol 802 = SCM Marker 803 = SCM Label 850 = SCM Part List 900 = Logical Library Part 901 = Logical Connection List 902 = Physical Pin Info 903 = Packager Parameters 1000 = IC Layout 1001 = IC Cell 1002 = IC Pin 1050 = IC Paths 1051 = IC Connectivity 1052 = IC Autorouter Data 1200 = User Language Program 1201 = User Language Library 1400 = Design Rule 1401 = Design Rule List 1402 = Design Rule Source 4096 = SQL Structure Table Info 4097 = SQL Free Table Info 4352 = SQL user-defined Table : = : 8191 = SQL user-defined Table STD2 - Length Units:Length values are given in meters (unless otherwise mentioned). STD3 - Angle Units:Angle values are given in radians (unless otherwise mentioned). STD4 - Menu Item Numbers:[ 0, 99] = Main menu items [ 100, 199] = Menu 1 items [ 200, 299] = Menu 2 items [ 300, 399] = Menu 3 items [ 400, 499] = Menu 4 items [ 500, 599] = Menu 5 items [ 600, 699] = Menu 6 items [ 700, 799] = Menu 7 items [ 800, 899] = Menu 8 items [ 900, 999] = Menu 9 items [1000,1099] = Menu 10 items 9003 = Menu Function Schematic Editor 9007 = Jump to Packager 9008 = Jump to Packager, run Packager and jump to Schematic Editor if no Packager error occurred 9009 = Jump to Packager, run Packager and jump to Layout Editor if no Packager error occurred 9010 = Jump to Layout Editor 9012 = Jump to Autorouter 9013 = Jump to CAM Processor 9014 = Jump to CAM View 9015 = BAE HighEnd/IC Design: Jump to IC Design Chip Editor 9016 = BAE HighEnd/IC Design: Jump to IC Design CIF View 9017 = BAE HighEnd/IC Design: Jump to IC Design GDS View 9018 = BAE HighEnd/IC Design: Jump to IC Design Cell Placer 9020 = Jump to BAE Setup 9021 = Jump to BAE Main Menu 9022 = BAE HighEnd: Start Schematic Editor instance 9023 = BAE HighEnd: Start Packager instance 9024 = BAE HighEnd: Start and run Packager instance 9025 = BAE HighEnd: Start Layout Editor instance 9027 = BAE HighEnd: Start Autorouter instance 9028 = BAE HighEnd: Start CAM Processor instance 9029 = BAE HighEnd: Start CAM View instance 9030 = BAE HighEnd: Start IC Design Chip Editor instance 9031 = BAE HighEnd: Start IC Design CIF View instance 9032 = BAE HighEnd: Start IC Design GDS View instance 9033 = BAE HighEnd: Start IC Design Cell Placer instance 9035 = BAE HighEnd: Start BAE Main Menu instance 9036 = Menu function 9038 = Menu function 9039 = Menu function 9041 = Jump to Packager, run Packager and jump to Chip Editor if no Packager error occurred 9042 = Cut to Clipboard 9043 = Copy to Clipboard 9044 = Paste from Clipboard 9048 = Start program and wait for its termination 9049 = Start program and return9004 = Menu Function 9005 = Close currently loaded element 9006 = Jump to STD5 - Dialog Element Parameter Type:Parameter values: 0 = 0x000000 = String value 1 = 0x000001 = Boolean value (check box) 2 = 0x000002 = Integer value 3 = 0x000003 = Double value Display element types: 4 = 0x000004 = Label/title text/string 5 = 0x000005 = Horizontal seperator graphic 6 = 0x000006 = Vertical seperator graphic Multiple choice dialog element types: 7 = 0x000007 = Radio box first option 8 = 0x000008 = Radio box next option 9 = 0x000009 = Selection box base entry 10 = 0x00000A = Selection box next entry 65536 = 0x010000 = List box base entry 65537 = 0x010001 = List box next entry Dialog button types: 11 = 0x00000B = Action button 12 = 0x00000C = button 13 = 0x00000D = button Special parameter type codes: 14 = 0x00000E = Dummy dialog element 983055 = 0x0F000F = Parameter type mask (for parameter type queries) Numerical value types: 16 = 0x000010 = Signed numerical value type 32 = 0x000020 = Distance/length numerical value type 64 = 0x000040 = Rotation angle numerical value type Value range checking parameter types: 128 = 0x000080 = Lower boundary checking parameter type 256 = 0x000100 = Upper boundary checking parameter type 512 = 0x000200 = Immediate lower boundary checking parameter type 1024 = 0x000400 = Immediate upper boundary checking parameter type Miscellaneous parameter types: 2048 = 0x000800 = Empty string display field parameter type 4096 = 0x001000 = Bold typeface font parameter type 8192 = 0x002000 = Fixed width font parameter type 16384 = 0x004000 = Double click confirmation parameter type 32768 = 0x008000 = Edit disabled parameter type 1048576 = 0x100000 = Single click confirmation parameter type STD6 - Interaction Mode:0 = Input interactive 1 = Input automatic STD7 - Coordinate Display Mode:0 = Display/input in mm units (micrometer units in IC Design) 1 = Display/input in Inch units (mm units in IC Design) STD8 - Grid Lock Flag:0 = Grid unlocked 1 = Grid locked STD9 - Angle Lock Flag:0 = Angle unlocked 1 = Angle locked STD10 - Workspace Flag:0 = Element/object is out of workspace 1 = Element/object is in workspace STD11 - Fixed Flag:0 = Element/object is unfixed 1 = Element/object is fixed STD12 - Element Glued Mode:0 = Element/object is not glued 2 = Element/object is glued STD13 - Group Flag:
STD14 - Mirror Mode:0 = Element/object is not mirrored 1 = Element/object is mirrored STD15 - Polygon Point Type:0 = Normal point 1 = Left arc center point 2 = Right arc center point STD16 - Macro Completion Status:xxxxxxx1 = Macro is completed (bit mask) xxxxxx1x = Macro is missing (bit mask) else = internal STD17 - Mouse Button Key Codes:0 = Keyboard Input 1 = Left Mouse Button STD18 - Color Codes:0 = Black (no color) 1 = Blue 2 = Green 3 = Cyan 4 = Red 5 = Magenta 6 = Brown 7 = Light Gray 8 = Dark Gray 9 = Light Blue 10 = Light Green 11 = Light Cyan 12 = Light Red 13 = Light Magenta 14 = Yellow 15 = White -1 = Black faded-out -2 = Blue faded-out -3 = Green faded-out -4 = Cyan faded-out -5 = Red faded-out -6 = Magenta faded-out -7 = Brown faded-out -8 = Light Gray faded-out -9 = Dark Gray faded-out -10 = Light Blue faded-out -11 = Light Green faded-out -12 = Light Cyan faded-out -13 = Light Red faded-out -14 = Light Magenta faded-out -15 = Yellow faded-out -16 = White faded-out STD19 - Drawing Mode:0 = Replace 1 = Clear 2 = Set 3 = Complement STD20 - Polygon Fill/Drawing Mode:0 = Closed line polygon 1 = Closed fill polygon 2 = Open line polygon 3 = Closed pattern fill polygon +4 = Dashed polygon outline +8 = Dotted polygon outline STD21 - Interaction Item Store Mode:0 = Append interaction placeholder to interaction queue end 1 = Append automatic interaction to interaction queue end 2 = Insert interaction placeholder at interaction queue start 3 = Insert automatic interaction at interaction queue start A.2.2 Schematic Capture Value Ranges (CAP)The following codes are valid for caller types CAP and SCM. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special elements of index variable types and/or system function parameters in the
Schematic Editor interpreter environment. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
CAP1 - Schematic Capture Text Mode:0 = Standard Text (bit mask to be combined with CAP7) 1 = Comment Text (bit mask to be combined with CAP7) CAP2 - Schematic Capture Polygon Type:0 = Line Cosmetic 1 = Filled Cosmetic 2 = internal 3 = internal 4 = Connection Point 5 = Dotted Line CAP3 - Schematic Capture Figure Element Type:1 = Polygon 2 = Connection 3 = Named Reference 4 = internal 5 = Text 6 = Name pattern 7 = internal 8 = Polygon corner pick 9 = Named symbol reference pick 10 = Named label reference pick 11 = Named reference attribute pick CAP4 - Schematic Capture Pool Element Type:-1 = Unknown/undefined Element 1 = Element Type Macro (C_MACRO) 3 = Element Type Named Reference (C_NREF) 6 = Element Type Attribute Value (C_ATTRIBUTE.VALUE) 7 = Element Type Attribute Name (C_ATTRIBUTE.NAME) 16 = Element Type Polygon (C_POLY) 17 = Element Type Text (C_TEXT) 18 = Element Type Connection Segment List (C_CONBASE) 19 = Element Type Bus Tap (C_BUSTAP) 20 = Element Type Part Name Pattern (C_MACRO.PNAMEPAT) 32 = Element Type Font Name else = internal CAP5 - Schematic Tag Symbol/Label Mode:1 = Standard Symbol / Standard Label 2 = Virtual Tag Symbol 3 = Netlist Tag Symbol / Net Attribute Label CAP6 - Schematic Capture Tag Pin Type:0 = Standard Pin or Label 1 = Symbol Destination Tag Pin 2 = Pin Destination Tag Pin 3 = Net Destination Tag Pin 4 = Net Pin Destination Tag Pin 3 = Net Area Destination Tag Pin CAP7 - Schematic Capture Text Style Bit Mask:xxxx000x = Standard text style (no frame) xxxxxx1x = Frame 1; surrounding box at 1/8 text height distance from text xxxxx1xx = Frame 2; surrounding box at 1/4 text height distance from text xxxx1xxx = Open frame(s); surrounding box(es) open at text origin side xxx1xxxx = No text rotation xx1xxxxx = Horizontally centered text flag x1xxxxxx = Vertically centered text flag 1xxxxxxx = Right-aligned text flag A.2.3 Schematic Editor Ranges (SCM)The following codes are valid for caller type SCM. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special system function parameters in the
Schematic Editor interpreter environment. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
SCM1 - SCM Display Item Types:(-16384) = -0x4000 = Invalid Display Item 0 = Documentation 1 = Connections 2 = Symbols 3 = Markers 4 = Symbol Borders 5 = internal 6 = internal 7 = Connect Area 8 = Work Area 9 = Origin 10 = Highlight 11 = Commentary Text 12 = Tag Symbol 13 = Tag Link 14 = Variant Attribute 15 = Plot disabled (elements which are excluded from plot outputs) SCM2 - Schematic Display Item Class Level Bit Mask:xxxxxxxxxxx1 = Display item on plan level xxxxxxxxxx1x = Display item on symbol level xxxxxxxxx1xx = Display item on label level xxxxxxxx1xxx = Display item on marker level A.2.4 Layout Value Ranges (LAY)The following codes are valid for caller types LAY, GED, AR and CAM. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special elements of index variable types and/or system function parameters in the
Layout Editor, the
Autorouter and the
CAM Processor interpreter environments. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
LAY1 - Layout Layer Number:(-16384) = -0x4000 = Invalid Layer (-6) = Inside Signal Layers (-5) = Part Side Layer (-4) = Unroutes Layer (-3) = Part Plan Layer (-2) = Board Outline Layer (-1) = All Signal Layers 0 = Signal Layer 1 1 = Signal Layer 2 2 = Signal Layer 3 : = Signal Layer : 99 = Signal Layer 100 768 = 0x300 = Power Layer 1 769 = 0x301 = Power Layer 2 770 = 0x302 = Power Layer 3 : = : = Power Layer : 777 = 0x309 = Power Layer 10 778 = 0x30A = Power Layer 11 779 = 0x30B = Power Layer 12 1024 = 0x400 = Documentary Layer 1 Side 1 1025 = 0x401 = Documentary Layer 1 Side 2 1026 = 0x402 = Documentary Layer 1 Both Sides 1040 = 0x410 = Documentary Layer 2 Side 1 1041 = 0x411 = Documentary Layer 2 Side 2 1042 = 0x412 = Documentary Layer 2 Both Sides : = : = Documentary Layer : 1168 = 0x490 = Documentary Layer 10 Side 1 1169 = 0x491 = Documentary Layer 10 Side 2 1170 = 0x492 = Documentary Layer 10 Both Sides 1184 = 0x4A0 = Documentary Layer 11 Side 1 1185 = 0x4A1 = Documentary Layer 11 Side 2 1186 = 0x4A2 = Documentary Layer 11 Both Sides 1200 = 0x4B0 = Documentary Layer 12 Side 1 1201 = 0x4B1 = Documentary Layer 12 Side 2 1202 = 0x4B2 = Documentary Layer 12 Both Sides : = : = Documentary Layer : 2592 = 0xA20 = Documentary Layer 99 Side 1 2593 = 0xA21 = Documentary Layer 99 Side 2 2594 = 0xA22 = Documentary Layer 99 Both Sides 2608 = 0xA30 = Documentary Layer 100 Side 1 2609 = 0xA31 = Documentary Layer 100 Side 2 2610 = 0xA32 = Documentary Layer 100 Both Sides LAY2 - Layout Text Mode:0 = Physical 1 = Logical 2 = Norotate LAY3 - Layout Polygon Mirror Visibility:0 = Visible always 1 = Visible if not mirrored 2 = Visible if mirrored 17 = Fixed visible if not mirrored 18 = Fixed visible if mirrored LAY4 - Layout Polygon Type:1 = Copper 2 = Forbidden Area 3 = Border 4 = Connected Copper 5 = Line Cosmetic 6 = Filled Cosmetic 7 = Copperfill Workarea 8 = Hatched Copper 9 = Split Power Plane Area LAY5 - Layout Drilling Class:0 = LAY6 - Layout Figure Element Type:1 = Polygon 2 = Path 3 = Named Reference 4 = Unnamed Reference 5 = Text 6 = Drill 7 = internal 8 = Polygon corner pick 9 = Trace corner/pick 10 = Fill area polygon pick LAY7 - Layout Level Type:>= 0 = Single Tree Level (-1) = Multiple Trees Level (Short Circuit) (-2) = Changed Level, no Tree (-3) = Assigned Level (internal) LAY8 - Layout Pool Element Type:-1 = Unknown/undefined Element 1 = Element Type Macro (L_MACRO) 5 = Element Type Unnamed Reference (L_UREF) 6 = Element Type Named Reference (L_NREF) 8 = Element Type Attribute Value (L_ATTRIBUTE.VALUE) 9 = Element Type Attribute Name (L_ATTRIBUTE.NAME) 16 = Element Type Polygon (L_POLY) 17 = Element Type Path (L_LINE) 18 = Element Type Text (L_TEXT) 19 = Element Type Drill (L_DRILL) 21 = Element Type Hatched Polygon Path 32 = Element Type Part Side Layer 33 = Element Type Power Layer Net 34 = Element Type DRC Parameter 35 = Element Type Font Name 48 = Element Type DRC Error Marker (L_DRCERROR) else = internal LAY9 - Layout Display Item Types (additional to LAY1):(-7) = Drill Holes (transfered to classes '-', 'A'-'Z') (-8) = Work Area (-9) = Origin (-10) = Error (-11) = Highlight (-12) = Drill Holes Class '-' (-13) = Drill Holes Class 'A' : = : (-38) = Drill Holes Class 'Z' (-39) = Fixed (-40) = Glued LAY10 - Layout Mincon Function Type:
LAY11 - Layout Input Item Type:>= 0 = Pool element input (-1) = Rubberband input (-2) = Window input (-3) = Circle center input (-4) = Anti clockwise arc input (-5) = Clockwise arc input (-6) = Segment move input (-7) = Segment cut input (-8) = Segment marker input (-9) = Rubberband input type 2 LAY12 - Layout Variant Visibility:0-99 = Visible for given variant number 100 = Visible for all variants 101 = Visible for unplaced variant LAY13 - Layout DRC Error Display Mode:1 = DRC copper distance violation 2 = DRC documentary layer forbidden area violation 3 = DRC documentary layer forbidden area height violation 4 = DRC HF design rule violation 5 = DRC invalid dropped polygon range 7 = DRC part side violation 8 = Fill polygon error hint |65536 = DRC error marked as hidden LAY14 - Layout Text Style Bit Mask:xxx000xxxxxx = Standard text style (no frame) xxxxx1xxxxxx = Frame 1; surrounding box at 1/8 text height distance from text xxxx1xxxxxxx = Frame 2; surrounding box at 1/4 text height distance from text xxx1xxxxxxxx = Open frame(s); surrounding box(es) open at text origin side xx1xxxxxxxxx = Horizontally centered text flag x1xxxxxxxxxx = Vertically centered text flag 1xxxxxxxxxxx = Right-aligned text flag LAY15 - Layout Display Item Class Level Bit Mask:xxxxxxxxxxx1 = Display item on layout level xxxxxxxxxx1x = Display item on part level xxxxxxxxx1xx = Display item on padstack level xxxxxxxx1xxx = Display item on pad level A.2.5 CAM Processor Value Ranges (CAM)The following codes are valid for caller type CAM. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special system function parameters in the
CAM Processor interpreter environment. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
CAM1 - CAM Processor Mirror Mode:0 = Mirroring off 1 = Mirroring on 2 = X-Backside (Mirroring off) 3 = X-Backside (Mirroring on) 4 = Y-Backside (Mirroring off) 5 = Y-Backside (Mirroring on) CAM2 - CAM Processor Gerber Output Plotter Unit Length (STD2):0.0000254 = 2.3 Inch Format 0.00000254 = 2.4 Inch Format 0.000000254 = 2.5 Inch Format 0.0000000254 = 2.6 Inch Format 0.00000000254 = 2.7 Inch Format or any other value greater than 0.00000000053 CAM3 - CAM Processor Gerber Output Format:0 = 2.3 Inch Format 1 = 2.4 Inch Format 2 = 2.5 Inch Format 3 = 2.6 Inch Format 4 = 3.3 Metric Format 5 = 3.4 Metric Format 6 = 3.5 Metric Format 7 = 3.6 Metric Format CAM4 - CAM Processor HP-GL Plot Pen Number:1 = Enabled Pen 1 2 = Enabled Pen 2 3 = Enabled Pen 3 4 = Enabled Pen 4 5 = Enabled Pen 5 6 = Enabled Pen 6 7 = Enabled Pen 7 8 = Enabled Pen 8 9 = Enabled Pen 9 10 = Enabled Pen 10 : = Enabled Pen : 100 = Enabled Pen 100 (-1) = Disabled/Invalid Pen Number (-2) = Disabled Pen 1 (-3) = Disabled Pen 2 (-4) = Disabled Pen 3 (-5) = Disabled Pen 4 (-6) = Disabled Pen 5 (-7) = Disabled Pen 6 (-8) = Disabled Pen 7 (-9) = Disabled Pen 8 (-10) = Disabled Pen 9 (-11) = Disabled Pen 10 : = Disabled Pen : (-101) = Disabled Pen 100 A.2.6 IC Design Value Ranges (ICD)The following codes are valid for caller types ICD and CED. I.e., they define valid value ranges for special elements of index variable types and/or system function parameters in the
Chip Editor interpreter environment. The naming of the value range definitions emerges from the keyword
ICD1 - IC Design Layer Number:(-16384) = -0x4000 = Invalid Layer (-3) = Unroutes Layer (-2) = Border Layer (-1) = All Layers 0 = IC Layer 1 1 = IC Layer 2 2 = IC Layer 3 : = IC Layer : 99 = IC Layer 100 ICD2 - IC Design Text Mode:0 = Physical 1 = Logical 2 = Norotate ICD3 - IC Design Polygon Mirror Visibility:0 = Visible always 1 = Visible if not mirrored 2 = Visible if mirrored ICD4 - IC Design Polygon Type:1 = Active Area 2 = Forbidden Area 3 = Line Cosmetic 4 = Border ICD5 - IC Design Figure List Element Type:1 = Polygon 2 = Path 3 = Named Reference 4 = Unnamed Reference 5 = Text 6 = internal 7 = Polygon corner pick 8 = Trace corner/pick ICD6 - IC Design Level Type:>= 0 = Single Tree Level (-1) = Multiple Trees Level (Short Circuit) (-2) = Changed Level, no Tree (-3) = Assigned Level (internal) ICD7 - IC Design Pool Element Type:-1 = Unknown/undefined Element 1 = Element Type Macro (I_MACRO) 2 = Element Type Unnamed Reference (I_UREF) 3 = Element Type Named Reference (I_NREF) 6 = Element Type Attribute Value (I_ATTRIBUTE.VALUE) 7 = Element Type Attribute Name (I_ATTRIBUTE.NAME) 16 = Element Type Polygon (I_POLY) 17 = Element Type Path (I_LINE) 18 = Element Type Text (I_TEXT) else = internal ICD8 - IC Design Display Item Types (additional to ICD1):(-6) = Work Area (-7) = Origin (-8) = Error (-9) = Highlight ICD9 - IC Design Layer Display Mode Bit Mask:xxxxx00 = Display layer items with outline xxxxx01 = Display layer items with filled area xxxxx10 = Display layer items with dash outline xxxxx11 = Display layer items with pattern filled area 00000xx = Display layer items with pattern 0 filled area .....xx = Display layer items with pattern : filled area 11111xx = Display layer items with pattern 31 filled area ICD10 - IC Design Mincon Function Type:
Value Range Definitions |